Somnus8805 发表于 2017-6-17 13:45:37

【和小白一起学电镜之一】Why electrons

本帖最后由 Somnus8805 于 2017-6-26 15:38 编辑

【和小白一起学电镜】系列一周一更新,欢迎大家一起学习,一起讨论~~学习内容主要以Grant J.Jensen的课为主~~

Part 1. Why electrons:

Different Raditions‘ advantages and disadvantages:

(图片来自于Grant J.Jensen视频)
Questions: 上课内容提及到Zone plates? What is Zone plates here? 感觉这里的Zone plates 与 electron and neutrons 的focus相关~~

Zheng_Liu 发表于 2017-7-2 23:17:01

what is the difference of damage between X-ray and electrons?
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