大家好,我有个Postprocessing problem,3D Classification计算已经到14埃了,但接着做Postprocessing,出现了WARNING,并提示如下,不知是哪里出现了问题,求解( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!O(∩_∩)O谢谢
== Masking input maps ...
+ randomize phases beyond: 20 Angstroms
WARNING: The phase-randomised FSC is larger than 0.10 at the estimated resolution!
WARNING: This may result in an incorrect resolution estimation. Provide a softer mask with less features to get lower phase-randomised FSCs
3D Classification:_rlnCurrentResolution 14.000000
chimera threshold:0.0037
== Reading input half-reconstructions:
+ half1-map: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_half1_class001_unfil.mrc
+ half2-map: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_half2_class001_unfil.mrc
== Perform auto-masking ...
+ density threshold: 0.00405
+ extend ini mask: 5 pixels
+ width soft edge: 5 pixels
== Extending initial binary mask ...
1.03/1.03 min ............................................................~~(,_,">
== Making a soft edge on the extended mask ...
51/ 51 sec ............................................................~~(,_,">
== Masking input maps ...
+ randomize phases beyond: 20 Angstroms
WARNING: The phase-randomised FSC is larger than 0.10 at the estimated resolution!
WARNING: This may result in an incorrect resolution estimation. Provide a softer mask with less features to get lower phase-randomised FSCs.
== Dividing map by the MTF of the detector ...
+ mtf STAR-file: mtf-k2-200kev.star
== Applying sqrt(2*FSC/(FSC+1)) weighting (as in Rosenthal & Henderson, 2003) ...
== Fitting straight line through Guinier plot to find B-factor ...
+ fit from resolution: 10
+ fit until resolution: 0
+ slope of fit: -135.631
+ intercept of fit: -14.1714
+ correlation of fit: 0.540263
+ apply b-factor of: -542.524
== Low-pass filtering final map ...
+ filter frequency: 12
== Writing out put files ...
+ Processed map: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_p2.mrc
+ Processed masked map: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_p2_masked.mrc
+ Auto-mask: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_p2_automask.mrc
+ Metadata file: D1/run_2D_sel_clx_cls3_D1_3DsM_ct20_p2.star
参与人数 1 | 威望 +5 |
金钱 +20 |
贡献 +20 |
| + 5 |
+ 20 |
+ 20 |
淡定 |