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版主: Somnus8805
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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 Cryo-EM 初学者入门书籍和视频(慢慢整理中)  ...23 Somnus8805 2017-6-17 2244968 Bill_Shankly 2018-3-13 23:55
请问Caltech,Prof. Grant J. Jensen开的视频课大家可以打开吗? 新人帖 Mentalist 2017-10-31 313723 Mentalist 2017-11-3 09:25
【和小白一起学电镜之N】电镜制样方法 Somnus8805 2017-10-14 012064 Somnus8805 2017-10-14 22:32
关于pixel size 引起的map的问题 agree Somnus8805 2017-10-12 014920 Somnus8805 2017-10-12 21:37
pandora bracelets charms cheap do not underestimate the small accessories qelYcn8jo 2017-8-15 012720 qelYcn8jo 2017-8-15 09:19
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manual particle picking in relion1.3 新人帖 attach_img xmq234 2017-8-5 915267 Zheng_Liu 2017-8-9 22:21
the bible of single-particle cryo-EM admincryoem 2017-8-3 027726 admincryoem 2017-8-3 11:09
phase plate 的 一个视频报告 agree admincryoem 2017-7-24 011100 admincryoem 2017-7-24 11:19
对不起,论坛被黑,向大家道歉! Jack_Zhang 2017-7-22 010748 Jack_Zhang 2017-7-22 22:43
Cryo-EM 常见问题及解决方法【可以提问,请勿灌水,谢谢!】 agree Somnus8805 2017-6-12 120950 Somnus8805 2017-7-4 10:07
【和小白一起学电镜之一】Why electrons attach_img Somnus8805 2017-6-17 113432 Zheng_Liu 2017-7-2 23:17
【和小白一起学电镜】之二:Basic anatomy of the EM attach_img agree Somnus8805 2017-6-26 011856 Somnus8805 2017-6-26 16:38
冷冻制样问题集锦 attach_img Somnus8805 2017-6-14 015011 Somnus8805 2017-6-14 00:00


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